Lost at Dallas Center 45-0 (Incomplete Individual Stats)
Reggie Muench 1att 8yds
Jim Van Pelt 2att 23yds/1-1 17yds
Bill Miller1att -5yds
Steve Nelson 1att -7yds
Terry Beckman 1fumble recovery
Terry Christensen 1-1 29yds
Doug Nebbe 1rec 29yds, 1rec 17yds/1fumble recovery
Ogden 3first downs, 30yds rushing, 46yds passing
DC 8first downs, 300yds rushing, 66yds passing
Lost at Urbandale 32-0 (Incomplete Individual Stats)
Richard Kruse 2fumble recoveries
Bill Miller 1fumble recovery
Ogden 3first downs, -6yds rushing, 17yds passing
U 13first downs, 236yds rushing, 21yds passing
Lost vs Nevada 26-13 (Incomplete Individual Stats)
Terry Christensen 3-3 104yds 2td
Doug Nebbe 2rec 99yds 1td
Cy Hornberg 1rec 5yds 1td
Arvid Miller 1-1XP/1int
Roger Erickson 1fumble recovery
Ogden 7first downs, 103yds rushing, 104yds passing
N 6first downs, 128yds rushing, 52yds passing
Lost vs Fort Dodge St Edmond 41-0 (Incomplete Individual Stats)
Lost vs Maxwell 13-0 (Homecoming) (Incomplete Individual Stats)
Jim Van Pelt 1att 33yds
Ogden 11first downs 188yds rushing, 50yds passing
M 16first downs, 211yds rushing, 66yds passing
Lost 32-0 at Bayard (Incomplete Individual Stats)
Ogden 7first downs, 46yds rushing, 74yds passing
B 16first downs, 190yds rushing, 128yds passing
Tied vs Coon Rapids 6-6 (Incomplete Individual Stats)
Ogden 79yds rushing, 36yds passing
CR 260yds rushing, 23yds passing
Arvid Miller 1rush TD
Lost at Story City 31-0
Lost at Colo 12-0
Hawkeye Central 8 Champions
Ogden over Dallas Center Grimes at Dallas Center 46-0
Jim Van Pelt (TD)
Richard Kruse (2 TD)
Ogden over United Community at Luther 31-0
Terry Christensen 7yd TD run (9att 63yds)
Jim Van Pelt 21yd run, 1yd td (10att 40yds)
Gary Kirkpatrick to Doug Nebbe 27yd pass, 48yd td pass
Doug Nebbe 17yd run, 48yd TD reception, 26yd td run
Bob Hutchins 5yd td run (5att 16yds)
Ogden 12 first downs, 183yds rushing, 90yds passing, 3-16 passing, 1int 1fumble lost.
UC 6 first downs, 65yds rushing, 2passing yds, 1-8 passing, 3fumbles lost
Ogden and Nevada tied 12-12
Gary Kirkpatrick 58yd td pass, 60yd pass, 14yd td pass
Jim Van Pelt 58yd td reception, 1INT, 14yd td reception
Richard Kruse 1fumble recovery
Doug Nebbe 60yd reception
Ogden 10 first downs, 103yd rushing, 185yds passing, 5-16 passing, 2int, 2fumbles recovered
Nevada 14 first downs, 148yds rushing, 42yds passing, 6-18 passing, 4int, 2fumbles recovered
Ogden over Ballard 48-0
Terry Christensen 11-18 163yds 3tds
Doug Nebbe 4yd td rec, 10yd td rec, 33yd rec, 65yd KR TD, 3yd td rec
Richard Kruse 2pt conversion, 3yd td rec, 26yd td run
Tom Christensen 3yd td run
Ogden 20 first downs, 276yds rushing, 163yds passing, 11-18passing, 2int, 0fumbles lost
Ballard 8 first downs, 77yds rushing, 18yds passing, 2-12passing, 1int, 0fumbles lost
Ogden over Maxwell 33-2
Terry Christensen 68yd TD pass, 10yd TD run
Jim Van Pelt 68yd TD rec, 4yd td run, 6yd td run, 59yd td run
Reggie Muench Fumble recovery,
Doug Nebbe 18yd reception
Ogden 9 first downs, 180yds rushing, 94yds passing, 4-14passing, 2INT’s, 2fumbles lost
Maxwell 5 first downs, 57yds rushing, 44yds passing, 5-9passing, 1INT, 1fumble lost
Ogden over State Center 13-7
Gary Kirkpatrick 8yd td pass, 22yd td pass
Terry Christensen 8yd td rec
Doug Nebbe 22yd td rec
Ogden 8 first downs, 92yds rushing, 78yds passing, 5-22 passing, 1fumble lost
State Center 2 first downs, -6yds rushing, 56yds passing, 1-8passing, 1INT, 1fumble lost
Ogden over Colo 32-7
Gary Kirkpatrick 9-12 130yds 1td, 3yd td run, 17yd td run
Bob Hutchins 1int ret for a TD
Doug Nebbe 14yd td rec, 19yd rush
Gene Svensen 1int
Jim Van Pelt 19yd reception, 85yd td run
Ogden first downs-17, 205yds rushing, 136yds passing, 11-17passing
Colo 3 first downs, 42yds rushing, 32yds passing, 7-17passing
Ogden over Story City 45-6
Carroll Paulson 6yd td run
Gary Kirkpatrick 10yd td run, 1yd td pass, 2yd td pass
Terry Christensen 27yd td pass, 28yd td pass, 46yd pass
Doug Nebbe 27yd td rec, 28yd td rec, 1yd td rec, 27yd td run, 2yd td rec, 46yd pass
Ogden 17 first downs, 158yds rushing, 232yds passing, 14-23 passing, 2INT, 0fumbles lost
Story City 7 first downs, 98yds rushing, 10yds passing, 2-7passing, 1INT, 2fumbles lost
Ogden over Southeast Warren 46-13
Gary Kirkpatrick 29yd td pass, 45yd td run, 58yd punt return TD, 58yd td pass
Jim Van Pelt 29yd td rec, 50yd INT TD, 58yd td run, 32yd td run, 58yd td pass
Ogden 8 first downs, 181yds rushing, 118yds passing, 6-9passing,
SEW 13 first downs, 144yds rushing, 32yds passing, 4-8passing
Ogden over Maxwell 19-0
Gary Kirkpatrick 10yd pass, 19yd rec, 12yd rush, 11yd pass, 4yd td run, 13yd run, 8yd run, 25yd td pass
Ron Biggerstaff 10yd rec
Jim Van Pelt 19yd rec, 11yd rec, 25yd td rec
Terry Christensen 3yd rush, 1yd td
Ogden 16 first downs, 96yds rushing, 143yds passing, 8-12 passing
Maxwell 3 first downs, 90yds rushing, 8yds passing, 2-8passing
Ogden over Nevada 13-0 (Game called due to lightning at halftime)
Gary Kirkpatrick 5yd td run, 4yd td run
Ballard over Ogden 27-7
Gary Kirkpatrick 6yd td run, 15yd pass, 14yd pass
Mike Coler 15yd rec, 14yd rec
Ogden 5 first downs, -6yds rushing, 89yds passing, 10-19passing
Ballard 15 first downs, 204yds rushing, 42yds passing 3-4passing
Ogden over Story City 26-0
Gary Kirkpatrick 90yd KR TD, 24yd td pass, 21yd td pass
Jim Van Pelt 24yd td rec, 59yd td run, 21yd td rec
Ogden 10 first downs, 108yds rushing, 120yds passing, 8-20 passing
SC 8 first downs, 83yds rushing, 24yds passing, 4-6 passing
Ogden over Colo 15-7
Gary Kirkpatrick 8yd run, 5yd run, 27yd td rec
Terry Christensen 17yd run, 27yd td pass
Jim Van Pelt 15yd run, 13yd td run
Ogden over State Center 26-6
Gary Kirkpatrick 6yd td pass, 3yd td run, 9yd td pass
Mike Coler 6yd td rec
Jim Van Pelt 1yd td run, 9yd td rec
Ogden 11 first downs, 172yds rushing, 35yds passing, 5-10passing
SC 9 first downs, 86yds rushing, 37yds passing, 2-9passing
Ogden over United Community 46-0
Gary Kirkpatrick 11yd td run, 18yd td rec
Terry Christensen 3yd td run, 25yd INT td, 18yd td pass
Jim Van Pelt 55yd td run, 27yd run, 17yd td run
Bob Hutchins 1yd td run
Ogden 18 first downs, 226rushing yds, 143yds passing, 8-15passing
UC 4 first downs, 30rushing yds, 86passing yds, 6-21passing
Gary Kirkpatrick 39-64 629yds 9tds 76att 466rush yds 11rush tds
Jim Van Pelt 60att 540yds 14tds
Terry Christensen 32att 158yds 3td 9-18 85yds
Bob Hutchins 40att 215yds 1td
TOTAL RUSHING 231att 1282yds 17tds
TOTAL PASSING 48-82 12td 5ints 717yds
198pts 53pts allowed
Lost at Johnston 20-14
Red Moran-1int
Bob Hutchins 1rush td/2 PAT conversions
Doug Muench 1rush td
Ogden 13 first downs, 210yds rushing, 0yds passing
J 13 first downs, 203yds rushing, 79yds passing
Lost vs Maxwell 14-0
Bill Boon 39yds rushing
Eldon Smith Fumble Recovery
Ogden 6 first downs, 70yds rushing, 17yds passing
M 13 first downs, 178yds rushing, 63yds passing
Lost at Nevada 7-0
Red Moran 11att 34yds
Bob Hutchins 8att 15yds
Bill Boon 2att 15yds
Ogden 6 first downs, 76yds rushing, 16yds passing
N 15 first downs, 196yds rushing, -2yds passing
Lost vs Ballard 35-7
Bob Hutchins 1rush td/1 PAT conversion
Ogden 10 first downs, 104yds rushing, 39yds passing
B 15 first downs, 298yds rushing, 66yds passing
Lost at Story City 12-0
Ogden 5 first downs, 48yds rushing, 23yds passing
SC 19 first downs, 347yds rushing, 44yds passing
Lost vs Colo 26-6
Bob Hutchins 1rush td/1int
DeVon Lark 1fumble recovery
Ogden 4 first downs, 70yds rushing, 32yds passing
C 13 first downs, 187yds rushing, 74yds passing
Lost at West Marshall 27-0
Ogden 14 first downs, 162yds rushing, 26yds passing
WM 14 first downs, 279yds rushing, 29yds passing
Won vs United Community 38-0
Bob Hutchins 3rush td/1PAT
Terry Stumbo 1rec td/2PAT’s
Doug Muench 1pass td
David Dohms 1rush td
Junck 1PAT
Tom Keenan 1pass td
Dick Smittle 1rec td
Ogden 26 first downs, 385yds rushing, 56yds passing
UC 8 first downs, 59yds rushing, 76yds passing
Ogden: 84 first downs, 1125yds rushing, 209yds passing
Opponents: 110 first downs, 1747yds rushing, 429yds passing
Tom Newell’s first season as Head Coach
Lost to Johnson 13-7
David Dohms 6att 13yds 1td/7passes completed
Steve Muench 7att 27yds
Terry Stumbo 10att 44yds
Daryl Christensen 6att 22yds/1-1 Extra Points
Ogden: 7 1st downs, 99yds rushing, 50yds passing, 149yds total
Johnston 6 1st downs, 158yds rushing, 0, 158yds total
Beat Maxwell 6-0
Terry Stumbo 8att 63yds/1int
Daryl Christensen 11att 50yds 1td/1 fumble recovery
Steve Muench 6att 15yds/1int
David Dohms 3att 8yds
Larry Brown 1 fumble recovery
Tom Keenan 1int
Ogden 8 1st downs, 153 rushing, 7yds passing, 160yds total
Maxwell 8 1st downs, 68 rushing, 148yds passing, 216yds total
Lost to Nevada 26-0
Tom Keenan 1 int
Ogden 1 1st down, 32yds rushing, 12yds passing, 44yds total
Nevada 11 1st downs, 185 rushing, 39yds passing, 224yds total
Lost to Ballard 43-6
Tom Keenan 1 rush TD
Ogden 5 first downs, 28yds rushing, 26yds passing, 54yds total
Ballard 8 first downs, 219yds rushing, 34yds passing, 252yds total
Lost to Story City 25-20
Ogden 10 1st downs, 147yds rushing, 78yds passing, 225yds total
Story City 6 1st downs, 71yds rushing, 125yds passing, 196yds total
Tom Keenan 1passing int/1pass TD
Terry Stumbo 2rush TD/1 int
Dennis Webb 1rec TD
Beat Colo 7-0
Ogden 7 1st downs, 105yds rushing, 8yds passing, 113yds total
Colo 8 1st downs, 100yds rushing, 52yds passing, 152yds total
Tom Keenan 1rush td
Daryl Christensen 1extra point
Lost to West Marshall 25-0
Ogden 8 1st downs, 138yds rushing, 32yds passing, 170yds total
West Marshall 12 1st downs, 252yds rushing, 23yds passing, 275yds total
Beat United Community 19-6
Ogden 16 1st downs, 169yds rushing, 108yds passing, 277yds total
UC 8 1st downs, 110yds rushing, 36yds passing, 146yds total
Daryl Christensen 1rush td/1extra point/1 int
Tom Keenan 1 rush td
David Dohms 1rush td
Hawkeye Nine Champions
Beat West Marshall 20-14
Ogden 16 1st downs, 289yds rushing, 6yds passing, 295yds total
WM 8 1st downs, 76yds rushing, 100yds passing, 176yds total
Terry Stumbo 3rush td
Beat Story City 27-14
Ogden 14 1st downs, 322yds rushing, 21yds passing, 343yds total
SC 15 1st downs, 44yds rushing, 198yds passing, 242yds total
Daryl Christensen 14att 118yds 1rush td
Toby Wisecup 1rush td
Dave Dohms 1rush td
Terry Stumbo 18att 179yds 1rush td
Beat United Community 27-6
Ogden 12 1st downs, 205yds rushing, 64yds passing, 269yds total
UC 6 1st downs, 22yds rushing, 43yds passing, 65yds total
Daryl Christensen 1rush td
Terry Stumbo 1int/2rush td
Tom Keenan 1pass td
Mike Kelso 1rec td
(After 3 games Terry Stumbo 55att 464yds)
Beat Ballard 13-7
Ogden 6 1st downs, 104yds rushing, 105yds passing, 209yds total
Ballard 14 1st downs, 218yds rushing, 71yds passing, 289yds total
Terry Stumbo 1rush td/2int
Dave Dohms 1int
Tom Keenan 1rush td
Beat Colo 46-0
Ogden 19 1st downs, 369yds rushing, 101yds passing, 470yds total
Colo 6 1st downs, 46yds rushing, 61yds passing, 107yds total
Daryl Christensen 12att 106yds 2rush td
Terry Stumbo 13att 207yds 3rush td
Tom Keenan 6-10 101yds passing
Steve Muench 1rush td
Dennis Brown 1rush td
Beat Maxwell 37-20
Ogden 21 1st downs, 245yds rushing, 164yds passing, 409yds total
Maxwell 11 1st downs, 54yds rushing, 148yds passing, 202yds total
Daryl Christensen 20att 160yds 2rush td
Terry Stumbo 1int
Tom Keenan 1rush td/1pass td
Steve Muench 1rec td
Mike Junck 1rush td
Tied Nevada 13-13
Ogden 11 1st downs, 166yds rushing, 9yds passing, 175yds total
Nevada 11 1st downs, 86yds rushing, 175yds passing, 261yds total
Daryl Christensen 26att 122yds 1rush td
Terry Stumbo 1rush td
Beat East Greene 48-0
Ogden 14 1st downs, 422yds rushing, 42yds passing, 464total yds
East Greene 9 1st downs, 29yds rushing, 115yds passing, 144yds total
Tom Keenan 1rush td
Daryl Christensen 10att 226yds 3rush td
Terry Stumbo 6att 109yds 1rush td
Monty Newell 8att 76yds
Dave Dohms 1punt return for TD
Tom Vaughan 1int for TD
Beat South Hamilton 14-6
Ogden 8 1st downs, 115yds rushing, 13yds passing, 128yds total
SH 2 1st downs, 15yds rushing, 0yds passing, 15total yds.
Daryl Christensen 1rush td/1int
Mike Kelso 1fumble return for TD
Dave Dohms 2int
Daryl Christensen 160att 1031yds/99tackles
Terry Stumbo 124att 956yds
Tom Keenan 24-52 450yds
Mike Kelso 14rec 250yds
Dave Clark 86tackles
Dave Dohms 6int
Ogden 121 total 1st downs. 2237 total rush yds. 525 total pass yds. 2762 total yards
Opponents 82 total 1st downs, 590 total rush yds, 811 total pass yds. 1401 total yards
Ogden 245 total points
Opponents 80 total points
5-4 overall record
Beat West Marshall 7-0
Toby Wisecup 1int
Lanny Stumbo 1td pass
Mike Kelso 1rec td
Monty Newell
Ogden 7 first downs, 70yds passing, 123yds rushing
WM 10 first downs, 43yds passing, 157yds rushing
Beat Story City 13-0
Lanny Stumbo 1rush td/1int
Tim Hager 1rush td
Ogden 9 first downs, 33yds passing, 136yds rushing
SC 5 first downs, 27yds passing, 63yds rushing
Beat United Community 42-0
Lee McClurg 1fumble recovery
Lanny Stumbo 4pass td/1int returned for a TD
Jeff Logsdon 1rec td
Mike Kelso 2rec td
Toby Wisecup 1rec td
Keith Bollenbaugh 1int returned for a TD
Ogden 14 first downs, 106yds passing, 161yds rushing
UC 2 first downs, 64yds passing, -69yds rushing
Lost to Ballard 12-7 (First loss in 13 consecutive games)
Lanny Stumbo 1td pass
Mike Kelso 1rec td
Ogden 11 first downs, 51yds rushing, 151yds passing
B 12 first downs, 147yds rushing, 41yds passing
Lost to Colo 20-13
Keith Bollenbaugh 1fumble recovery for a TD
Ogden 7 First downs, 100yds rushing 37yds passing
Colo 8 first downs, 158yds rushing, 57yds passing
Beat Maxwell 44-13
Lanny Stumbo 2td pass
Toby Wisecup 1rec td/1rush td
Mike Kelso 1rec td-1 rush td
Jim Kruse 1int returned for a TD
Monty Newton 1rush td
Ogden 14 first downs, 204yds rushing, 149yds passing
Maxwell 14 first downs, 106yds rushing, 114yds passing
Lost to Nevada 13-6
Monty Newton 1rush td
Ogden 12 first downs, 26yds passing, 150yds rushing
Nevada 17 first downs, 34yds passing, 239yds rushing
Beat East Greene 34-6
Lanny Stumbo 2pass td/1rush td
Mike Kelso 2rec td
Bob Waters 2int
Toby Wisecup 19att 115yds 1rush td
Monty Newton 13att 74yds 1rush td
Ogden 19 first downs, 116yds passing, 195yds rushing
East Greene 11 first downs, 60yds passing, 59yds rushing
Lost to South Hamilton 21-0
Lanny Stumbo 7-16 110yds
Ogden 8 first downs, 110yds passing, 65yds rushing
SH 8 first downs, 127yds passing, 108yds rushing
Ogden 101 first downs,167pts 1180rush yds, 798passing
Opponents 87 first downs, 85pts, 955rush yds, 571yds passing
Toby Wisecup 86att 363yds/123tackles
Mike Kelso 22rec 390yds
Lanny Stumbo 54-102 816yds
Keith Bollenbaugh 112tackles
Beat Maxwell 13-7
Tim Hager 2rush td
Jeff Bollenbaugh 1 fumble recovery
Ogden 15 first downs, 154yds rushing, 101yds passing
Maxwell 9 first downs, 99yds rushing, 20yds passing
Lost to South Hamilton 13-0
Tim Hager 16att 60yds
Ogden 6 first downs, 92yds rushing, 30yds passing
South Hamilton 11 first downs, 204yds rushing, 0yds passing
Lost to West Marshall 57-13
Tim Hager 2rush TD
Ogden 9 first downs, 186yds rushing, 35yds passing
WM 17 first downs, 307yds rushing, 293yds passing
Lost to Story City 6-0
Arlen Beckman 20 tackles
Ogden 5 first downs, 60yds rushing, 11yds passing
SC 7 first downs, 140yds rushing, 12yds passing
Lost to United Community 41-21
Greg Schmidt 1rush td
Tim Hager 1rush td
Delbert Lark 1pass td
Dave Lycke 1rec td
Ogden 13 first downs, 241yds rushing, 17yds passing
UC 7 first downs, 68yds rushing, 155yds passing
Lost to Ballard 59-0
Ogden 4 first downs, 25yds rushing, 17yds passing
Ballard 21 first downs, 406yds rushing, 97yds passing
Lost to Colo 32-8
Delbert Lark 1rush td
Ogden 17 first downs, 131yds rushing, 112yds passing
Colo 11 first downs, 148yds rushing, 97yds passing
Lost to East Greene 31-19
Delbert Lark 1rush td/1pass td
Tim Hager 1rec td
Dennis Brown 1rush td
Ogden 18 first downs, 229yds rushing, 153yds passing
EG 13 first downs, 258yds rushing, 185yds passing
Lost to Nevada 22-14
Delbert Lark 1rush td
Tim Hager 1rush td
Ogden 11 first downs, 63yds rushing, 119yds passing
N 8 first downs, 139yds rushing, 10yds passing
Ogden 98 first downs, 1181yds rushing, 595passing, 88pts
Opponents 104 first downs, 1769yds rushing, 869passing, 268pts
Lost to Ballard 21-20
Jeff Bollenbaugh 21att 131yds 1rush td
John Nalean 1rush td
Ron Hagge 7-14 66yds
Greg Schmidt 13att 36yds/17tackles
Butch Sparks 17tackles
Ogden 14 first downs, 192yds rushing, 66yds passing
Ballard 16 first downs, 299yds rushing, 11yds passing
Lost to Prairie Gowrie 20-7
Craig Hoffman 1 fumble recovered
Greg Schmidt 1rush td
Ogden 11 first downs, 86yds rushing, 10yds passing
PG 9 first downs, 116yds rushing, 133yds passing
Beat East Greene 21-13
Jeff Bollenbaugh 11att 192yds 2td (84yd and 80yd)
John Nalean 1rush td (2yd)
Greg Schmidt 14att 81yds
Ogden 10 first downs, 287yds rushing, 23yds passing
EG 12 first downs, 167yds rushing, 32yds passing
Beat YJB 7-0
Greg Schmidt 1rush td/11tackles
Bob Bosch 2int
Dick Anderson 1int
Jim Keenan 17tackles
Ogden 9 first downs, 142yds rushing, 10yds passing
YJB 6 first downs, 58yds rushing, 84yds passing
Beat Story City 26-14
Jeff Bollenbaugh 2pass td/1rush td
Ron Hagge 1rec td
Tim Mowrer 1rec td
Bob Bosch 1rush td/1int
Jim Keenan 18tackles
Greg Schmidt 20att 94yds/18tackles
Larry Bosch 5tackles
Ogden 15 first downs, 240yds rushing, 69yds passing
SC 15 first downs, 208yds rushing, 103yds passing
Beat United Community 28-13
Bob Bosch 17att 72yds 1rush td/2int (5th INT in 3games) 1 INT returned for a TD
John Nalean 7att 53yds 1rush td
Jeff Bollenbaugh 10att 54yds 1rush td
Greg Schmidt 19att 77yds
DeWayne Lark 7att 35yds
Ogden 18 first downs, 307yds rushing, 13yds passing
UC 6 first downs, 67yds rushing, 17yds passing
Beat Central Webster 14-7
Greg Schmidt 1rush td/20tackles
John Nalean 1pass TD
Jeff Bollenbaugh 1rec TD
Jim Keenan 16tackles
Ogden 14 first downs, 183yds rushing, 48yds passing
CW 7 first downs, 154yds rushing, 22yds passing
Beat Paton Churdan 62-6
Greg Schmidt 16att 114yds 2rush td
Jeff Bollenbaugh 1rush td 1punt return for TD
DeWayne Lark 12att 104yds
Bob Bosch 8att 96yds
Tim Mowrer 1rush td
Rick Erickson 1rush td
Tim Lindgren 1pass td
Tom Logsdon 1red td
John Nalean 1rush td
Steve Davidson 1rec td
Kent Jones 1pass td
Ogden 23 first downs, 498rushing yds, 20yds passing
PC 7 first downs, 82rushing yds, 116yds passing
Ogden 114 first downs, 1935 total rushing yards, 259yds passing, 185pts scored, 94pts allowed
Opponents 78 first downs, 1151 total rushing yards, 518yds passing, 94pts scored, 185pts allowed
West Central Conference Champions
Lost to Ballard 42-0
Beat Prairie Community 7-0
Jeff Bollenbaugh 1td pass
Ron Hagge 1rec td
Ogden 15 first downs, 226rushing yds, 41yds passing
PC 8 first downs, 115yds rushing, 9yds passing
Beat East Greene 42-0
Kent Jones 2td pass/2rush td
Jeff Bollenbaugh 1rec td/1rush td
Rod Pierce 1fumble recovery
Ron Hagge 1rec td
Mike Thomas 1rush td (92yds)
Ogden 14 first downs, 266yds rushing, 222yds passing
EG 9 first downs, 170yds rushing, 0yds passing
Beat YJB 13-12
Jeff Bollenbaugh 1rush td
John Nalean 1rush td (1PAT)
Ogden 9 first downs, 211rushing yds, 62yds passing
YJB 10 first downs, 151yds rushing, 0yds passing
Tied Story City 13-13
John Nalean 1rush td (1PAT)
Kent Jones 1pass td
Jeff Bollenbaugh 1rec td/120yds rushing
DeWayne Lark 1fumble recovery
Ogden 12 first downs, 213yds rushing, 54yds passing
SC 9 first downs, 105yds rushing, 134yds passing
Beat Central Webster 34-7
John Nalean 2rush td (1PAT)
DeWayne Lark (1PAT)
Jeff Bollenbaugh 1rush td/1rec td
Kent Jones 2pass TD (1PAT)
Steve Davidson 1rec td
Ogden 17 first downs, 214rushing yds, 117yds passing
CW 9 first downs, 103rushing yds, 56yds passing
Beat United Community 40-0
Kent Jones 2pass td (1 PAT)
Ron Hagge 2rec td
DeWayne Lark (2 PAT)
John Nalean 1rush td (1 PAT)
Jeff Bollenbaugh 1pass td/1rush td
Steve Davidson 1rec td
Rodney Pierce 8tackles 1 fumble recovery
Tom Wilson 1pass td
Fred Hickcox 1rec td
Ogden 15 first downs, 148yds rushing, 144yds passing
UC 4 first downs, 61yds rushing, 40yds passing
Beat Paton Churdan 62-19
Kent Jones 2rush td/4pass TD
Steve Davidson (2 PAT) 1rec td
Jeff Bollenbaugh 1rush td/1 rec td
Ron Hagge 1rec td
Fred Hickcox 1rec td
John Nalean 1rush td
Rick Doran 1rush td
Roger Brown 1rush td
Ogden 21 first downs, 169yds rushing, 394yds passing
PC 7 first downs, 98yds rushing, 162yds passing
Ogden 211pts scored, 1447rush yds, 1034pass yds
Opponents 93pts scored, 803yds rushing, 401yds passing
West Central Conference Champions
Beat Union-Whitten 28-0
Kent Jones 2pass td/2pt conversion
Steve Davidson 8att 32yds/2rec td
DeWayne Lark 17att 62yds 1rush td
Roger Brown 8att 38yds
Fred Hickcox (2pt conversion)
Mike Thomas 1rush td
Ogden 10 first downs, 185yds rushing, 82yds passing
UW 3 first downs, 31yds rushing, 25yds passing
Beat Ballard 20-6
Kent Jones 1rush td/1pass td
Fred Hickcox 1rec td
Darrell Lingren 1fumble recovery
Mike Thomas 1rush td
Ron Hagge (2pt conversion)
Ogden 15 first downs, 174yds rushing, 64yds passing
B 4 first downs, 2yds rushing, 90yds passing
Beat YJB 14-0
Roger Brown 11att 63yds 1rush td
Steve Davidson 9att 40yds
DeWayne Lark (2pt conversion)
Ron Hagge 65yd punt return for a TD
Fred Hickcox 15tackles
Ogden 116yds rushing, 50yds passing
YJB 20yds rushing, 25yds passing
Beat United Community 32-26
DeWayne Lark 1rush td/2-2pt conversion
Ron Hagge 1rec td (2-2pt conversions)/1int
Steve Davidson 1rush td
Roger Brown 1rush td
Kent Jones 1pass td
Ogden 18 first downs, 252yds rushing, 98passing yds
UC 15 first downs, 205yds rushing, 96yds passing
(AFTER 4 GAMES: Roger Brown 42att 234yds, Steve Davidson 43att 194yds, DeWayne Lark 48att 186yds, Kent Jones 19completions 262yds 2tds and 90yds rushing. Ron Hagge 8rec 160yds, Rod Pierce 45tackles, Tom Wilson 39tackles)
Beat East Greene 42-6
Kent Jones 2td pass/3rush td
Dick Anderson 1rec td
Ron Hagge 1rec td/2pt conversion
Roger Brown 18att 90yds/2-2pt conversion
DeWayne Lark 9att 51yds 1rush td
Dick Anderson 7att 33yds/2rec 86yds
Ogden 17 first downs, 306yds rushing, 201yds passing
EG 10 first downs, 46yds rushing, 145yds passing
Beat Prairie of Gowrie 20-14
Kent Jones 1td pass
Ron Hagge 3rec 61yds 1rec td/2pt conversion
Roger Brown 2rush td
Ogden 8 first downs, 54yds rushing, 95yds passing
P 10 first downs, 144yds rushing, 53yds passing
Beat Central Webster 34-8
Kent Jones 2td pass/2rush td
Dick Anderson 7att 48yds/1rec td
Ron Hagge 5rec 138yds/2pt conversion
Steve Davidson 1rec td/1rush td
Roger Brown 1rush td/2pt conversion
Ogden 22 first downs, 210yds rushing, 248yds passing
CW 6 first downs, 139yds rushing, 8yds passing
Beat Roland Story 20-6
Kent Jones 2rush td
Ron Hagge 2pt conversion
Roger Brown 1rush td
Ogden 160yds rushing, 119yds passing
RS 6 first downs, 98yds rushing, 21yds passing
Beat Paton Churdan 64-18
Kent Jones 2td pass/2pt conversion/1int for a TD
Ron Hagge 1rec td/50yd punt return for TD/1int returned for a TD
Roger Brown 2pt conversion/1rush td
Dick Anderson 2pt conversion/1int returned for a TD
Steve Davidson 1rush td/1rec td/2pt conversion
Fred Hickcox 1rush td
Fay McConnell 2pt conversion
Ogden 17 first downs, 235yds rushing, 164yds passing
PC 2 first downs, -22yds rushing, 100yds passing
*Ogden ends the season on a 16 game winning streak*
*21 wins out of last 23 games*
Ogden 107 first downs, 1576yds rushing, 1071yds passing, 274total points
Opponents 56 first downs, 643yds rushing, 702yds passing, 84total points
*Missing first downs from YJB game*
6-2 record
Beat Ballard Huxley 22-0
Rick Doran-fumble recovery
Craig Landals-fumble recovery
Tom Wilson-2rush TD
Tom Wilson 10-17 123yds 1td
Steve Nalean TD catch
Roger Brown 24att 96yds Two-2pt conversions
Ogden 15-1st downs, 123yards passing, 167yards rushing
B 5 first downs, 85yds rushing, 0yds passing
Lost to Paton Churdan 18-16 (Ogden’s 17 consecutive winning streak ends)
Tom Wilson 11att 19yds/2pt conversion
Roger Brown-25att 92yds 2rush td/2pt conversion
Fred Hickcox 7att 17yds/1fumble recovery
Fay McConnell 8att 26yds
Bill Marker 1att 8yds
Ogden 11-1st downs, 162yards rushing, 46yards passing
PC 7 first downs, 84yds rushing, 79passing yds
Beat YJB 20-12
Roger Brown-1rush TD/2pt conversion
Tom Wilson-2rush TD and 24tackles
Gordon Wilson 12tackles
Steve Nalean-1int for TD
Ogden 112yards rushing, 26yds passing
YJB 110yds rushing, 22yds passing
Lost to United Community 46-16
Roger Brown 24att 77yds 1rush td
Tom Wilson 1rush td (2pt conversion)
Fay McConnell 6att 8yds/4rec 30yds
Ogden 10 1st downs, 103yards rushing, 30yards passing
UC 16 first downs, 390yds rushing, 14yds passing
Beat East Greene 42-0
Roger Brown 14att 71yds 1td (2pt conversion)
Fay McConnell 8att 47yds 1td/2rec 28yds
Ron Vodenik 11att 46yds 1td/2 rec -11yds
Rick Doran 4att 25yds
Fred Hickcox 6att 40yds/3rec 62yds 2rec td
Tom Wilson 5att 16yds/12-15 172yds 3td 1int/1fumble recovery
Jay Blyth 2att -5yds
Brian Oeffner 2rec 22yds 1rec td/2pt conversion
Steve Nalean 2rec 63yds
Randy Saunders 1rec 8yds
Ogden 17 first downs, 220yards rushing, 172yards passing
EG 4 first downs, 55yds rushing, 17yds passing
Beat Prairie Gowrie 16-14
Tom Wilson 2td pass/2pt conversion
Fred Hickcox 1rec td
Steve Nalean 1rec td
Roger Brown 25att 85yds/2pt conversion
Randy Saunders 1fumble recovery
Brian Oeffner 1fumble recovery
Gordon Wilson 1fumble recovery
Craig Landals 1fumble recovery
Ogden 6 first downs, 63yds rushing, 64yds passing
PG 12 first downs, 135yds rushing, 97yds passing
Beat Central Webster 18-8
Tom Wilson 15att 118yds 1td
Roger Brown 17att 36yds 2td
Fred Hickcox 6att 61yds/1rec 5yds/1int
Fay McConnell 7att 11yds/2rec 8yds
Ron Vodenik 1att 3yds
Steve Nalean 2rec 46yds
Ogden 13 first downs, 223yds rushing, 59yds passing
CW 7 first downs, 36yds rushing, 40yds passing
Beat Cedar Valley of Farnhamville 50-2
Roger Brown 17att 142yds 2td/3 2pt conversions
Fay McConnell 8att 39yds 1td
Ron Vodenik 8att 26yds
Fred Hickcox 3att 12yds/2rec td
Tom Wilson 8-16 161yds 3td
Steve Nalean 1rec td
Mike Porter 1int returned for a TD
Ogden 17 first downs, 210rushing yards, 163passing yards
CV 8 first downs,
Ogden 200pts, 1279rush yds, 679yds passing
Opponents 100pts, 874rush yds, 389yds passing
Roger Brown 172att 679yds 9td
Fred Hickcox 37att 225yds
Tom Wilson 84att 157yds 6td
Fay McConnell 50att 151yds 2td
Ron Vodenik 23att 75yds 1td
Tom Wilson 49-92 667yds 9td
Tom Wilson 85tackles
Fred Hickcox 85tackles
Gordon Wilson 74tackles
Craig Landals 67tackles
Ron Vodenik 43tackles
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